Why Attend

This two-day event is built to deliver new deal-origination opportunities, connect you to new business partners and provide meaningful insights including, including mainstage discussions, innovative presentations, and unique networking opportunities throughout the day, from small-group discussions over shared areas of interest to the meeting hub for impromptu conversations and private meetings.

You are guaranteed to leave with sharpened insights, an extensive network and a clear vision for the upcoming year.

Maria Norton
Co-head – M&A Practice Group,

“Impressive line-up and great panel and break-out sessions that really maximise interaction, discussion and networking.”

Pablo Otin
VP, Emerging Markets,
Nico Grove
Managing Director,
kawikani GmbH & Co. - Board Member Di4 e.V
New Event Platform Features

“Proximo's event is a great way of meeting an excellent mix of relevant market participants and procuring authorities.”

Kees-Jan van de Kamp
Senior Portfolio Manager, Project Finance,
Proximo Europe 2023 - Events Highlights