Sam McManus
Sam McManus

Exile Group (TXF, Proximo & Uxolo)


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The Parthenon: Uxolo Development & Impact Finance Stream

Heroes Assemble: The DFI Leaders Panel

Our hall is filled with heroes representing development finance institutions from every corner of the globe. Tasked with unlocking private capital to address the infrastructure gap and enable bankable project pipelines worldwide, they face key questions. How can we best mobilise large-scale private capital investment into climate, infrastructure, and development finance projects? How are innovative financing solutions, such as equity bridge financing and blended instruments, efforts to crowd in the private sector through syndications and guarantees, and promoting local currency lending playing out? How can we better aid in project preparation support and the implementation of acceptable ESG standards? What more can DFIs do to facilitate investment from institutional investors?

Anita Yadav
Senior Advisor,
New Development Bank
Kome Ajegbo
Structured Product Solutions + Sustainability,
Africa Finance Corporation (AFC)
Kofi Asumadu Addo
Head, Guarantees & Specialised Finance,
Isaac Solomon
President (Ag.),
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
Colin Buckley
Managing Director and General Counsel,
British International Investment (BII)
Natalie de Wit
Head of Strategy,
Sam McManus
Exile Group (TXF, Proximo & Uxolo)