John Meakin
John Meakin
Global Head of Export & Agency Finance

JP Morgan

United Kingdom

Upgrade to initiate conversation first


C.H. Level

Mount Olympus: Export Credit Stream

The Trojan War: Global Heads Debate

Aaron Ross
Global Head Project, Export & Asset Finance,
André Gazal
Global Head of Export Finance,
Credit Agricole CIB
Michiel De Vries
Global Head of Structured Export Finance,
ING Bank
Yasser HENDA
Global Head of Export Finance,
BNP Paribas
John Meakin
Global Head of Export & Agency Finance,
JP Morgan
Manav Futnani
Global Head of Export Finance,
Cecile Camilli
Global Head of Development & Structured Export Finance,
Societe Generale
Werner Schmidt
Managing Director,
Deutsche Bank
Giovanni Fiorendi
Global Head of Structured Export Finance,
Intesa Sanpaolo
Guillermo Hombravella
Managing Director- Global Head of Export & Agency Finance,
Richard Hodder
Global Head of Export & Agency Finance,
Francesca Beomonte
ECAs Senior Originator for natural resources, export and project finance,
Dominik Kloiber
Exile Group

Please take your seats and witness the re-enactment of the most famous battle in the ancient world, now unfolding on the modern stage. Today the gods present new challenges in the form of heightened geopolitical uncertainty, sluggish economic growth, both new and ongoing conflicts, climate risks, energy security concerns, and deglobalization. How will our heroes employ the tools of export and agency finance to confront these challenges and lead their institutions to newfound glories? The audience votes to decide if the Greeks will once again triumph, or the Trojans stage an epic comeback?

Heracles, Mezzanine Level

Breakfast Briefing 1

Council of Athena: The Woman in Export & Infrastructure Finance (WEXIF) breakfast briefing

Rosina Andreoli
Head of Export Finance,
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)
H.E. Raja Al Mazrouei
Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI)
Nanette Bubik
Global Head of Export Finance,
John Meakin
Global Head of Export & Agency Finance,
JP Morgan
Aida Topcagic
EMEA Head of Infrastructure and Export Finance Legal,
HSBC Bank plc
Katy Rose
Exile Group
Aldana Caunedo
Vice President - Export and Agency Finance,
JP Morgan
Cristina Bergomi
GE Vernova

The Goddess Athena, celebrated for her wisdom and intelligence, stands as the ideal symbol for this significant session. At Exile, we ardently support women and other underrepresented communities in export and project finance. Our aim is to foster an environment where more women are at the forefront of business origination and assume visible roles in the industry. Join our breakfast workshop in collaboration with WEXIF to network with peers and participate in purposeful debates.