Dan Riordan
Dan Riordan
Head of Political Risk & Credit


United States

Upgrade to initiate conversation first


C.H. Level

The Parthenon: Uxolo Development & Impact Finance Stream

Atlas unbound: Charting the rise of ECA & DFI Insurance & Reinsurance

Christian Kleboth
Head of Debt Mobilisation,
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Christopher Bredholt
Chief Underwriting Officer,
Green Guarantee Company
Dan Riordan
Head of Political Risk & Credit,
Harry McIndoe

We shine a light on the private market while it holds up the skies to support the public market. We look at how ECAs and DFIs are buying insurance and reinsurance designed to aid in the risk exposure and balance sheet optimisation, and conversely how DFIs are de-risking projects to unlock bank appetite and private market support. How have private market solutions helped to unlock capital and projects? Will we see a growth in portfolio insurance? We explore the possibilities of expanding risk-sharing mechanisms while addressing constraints on tenor and capacity in the private market.

C.H. Level

The Parthenon: Credit & Political Risk Insurance (CPRI) club

The statue of Athena Parthenos: Underwriters’ review

Dan Riordan
Head of Political Risk & Credit,
Simon Morden
Underwriting Manager, Political Risk, Credit & Bond,
Hannah Vernon
Pernix Specialty Limited
Katharine Morton
Head of Export, Project and Development Finance,
Exile Group

Are underwriters seeing the quality risks they want in today’s uncertain macroeconomic and geopolitical climate; will they start viewing riskier ventures further afield? How is the regulatory landscape with Basel IV playing out, how will this affect our product offering, and how is the market evolving in response to support clients’ needs? What new trends and innovations are we seeing in the market? Are underwriters willing and able to match bank appetite for SRTs? How have the modernised OECD guidelines affected the market for the export credit transactions and what would a return to 95% ECA cover mean for the market? How are Managing General Agents (MGAs) bringing new capacity to the market?